Danielle Dean, Fordland, 2019, HD video, 2 min. 44 sec.

[Video description: An illustrated landscape scrolls past the viewer from right to left. The video begins in a desert with mountains in the background, and soon teepees and Pueblo architecture appear in the landscape. The illustration moves into an empty desert, and then freestanding architectural columns appear scattered across the space. The columns begin to emerge more densely and then are interspersed with rubber trees, as the landscape turns into a foggy blue vista. The columns begin to bear the spiral markings, metal tap, and collecting cup used to harvest rubber from trees. Bugs fly through the air and land on the columns and trees. The scene transitions back to bare columns in an empty landscape. Two figures appear under a tree— a light-skinned person wears a red hat and skirt with a yellow blouse, while a person with dark skin wears a top hat, striped shirt, and gray pants, and carries a bag. As these figures move off-screen, a cupola, sitting under a tree, emerges. The video ends with an empty landscape.]